2020 AIAA Region VII Paper Competition and AIAA Student Conference

Gentili Soci,
Il nostro Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Aerospaziale, da diversi anni fa parte della Region VII di AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautica and Astronautics).
Questo importante istituto americano, come ben noto, raccoglie nel mondo gli interessi scientifici e tecnologici dell’evoluzione aerospaziale e coinvolge la totalità delle Università Americane che offrono corsi di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, oltre a molte università fuori dagli USA e tra esse anche il nostro corso di laurea.
Gli USA sono stati suddivisi in sei Regioni per favorire l’interazione tra la sede centrale e le sedi locali. La settima regione è quella definita internazionale e coinvolge il mondo aerospaziale non USA.
Recentemente abbiamo ricevuto, come Faculty Advisor di una Università della Region VII, il messaggio riportato in calce.
Se qualcuno fosse interessato può contattare direttamente aian@unina.it

Dear Region VII Faculty Advisor –

I hope that this note finds you well and healthy. Each year, AIAA supports student paper conferences in all seven AIAA member regions, including in Region VII. This year’s Region VII conference will be slightly different format from previous years. It will be in two parts:

A paper competition open to all of Region VII where AIAA technical reviewers will select one (1) undergraduate paper and one (1) masters paper for presentation at the 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum and monetary prizes

An oral conference sponsored by the AIAA Sydney Section and taking place at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, NSW open to all Australian members and a limited number of international participants via ZOOM. Monetary prizes will also be available for a best presentation.

In both parts, feedback will be given to the student authors/presenters, and students will have an opportunity to share their original research. Additionally, this year will feature a masters category, allowing students pursuing masters by research degrees to enter their work for judging, feedback, and consideration for advancement to the AIAA SciTech Forum in early 2021. The most important detail I want you to know is that your students do not have to participate in one part in order to participate in the other.

This presents a unique opportunity for students in Region VII, because this year they will not have to travel in order to present their work, so we encourage you to have them enter their abstracts into the competition. If they would like to present but do not live in Australia, the ZOOM option will be available to all participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you would like more information on this year’s conference, please view the conference website and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hopefully seeing some of your students’ research on display.